
Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Leaf Man's Got To Go Where The Wind Blows!!

Today 2nd Graders began a project inspired by fall and the wonderful book by Lois Ehlert, Leaf Man! I don't often repeat lessons, but last year we had so much fun with this lesson that I decided I had to try it again with this year's 2nd graders!  It turned out to be a good call as students LOVED the book and creating their own leaf animals!

If you haven't read Leaf Man, you should, but more importantly, if you haven't SEEN it you must! Like most of Lois Ehlert's books, she uses shapes and everyday items, in this case vibrant fall leaves, to create animal shapes and a character named Leaf Man!!  The pages of book are so beautiful!

2nd Graders loved the book!  They were immediately inspired to try it themselves! They used the iPad cameras to photograph their leaf animal arrangements for our upcoming ebook!  (I gave them leaves that I purchased at the dollar store!)  Look for our ebook Leaf Animals coming in a few weeks!