
Friday, December 19, 2014

Sharing Family Traditions And Learning A New Digital Tool - Prezi!

This is the perfect time of year for students to learn a new digital tool for sharing their family traditions!

To view on some mobile devices, you may have to download the app!

 I am always looking for opportunities for students to create with new digital tools!  As they learn new tools, they can be creative when they are given the the opportunity to pick how they want to demonstrate their learning or share ideas with the world!  Though Prezi has been around for a while, my students have never had an opportunity to create a non linear presentation or use Prezi.  It seemed like the perfect time for them to try it out! I let them use my PreziEDU account to give it a try!

Students had a blast identifying and sharing their family traditions! They were given the choice of which traditions they chose.  Many chose their Christmas traditions, but some wanted to share other annual traditions.  We had a blast planning and sharing!  Prezi really added to the fun!!