
Monday, March 16, 2015

2nd Graders Narrate Wordless Books With The Shadow Puppet App!

2nd Graders are just finishing up their wordless book narration project!  They began this project by reading through some of our favorite wordless books and discussing the stories! I had never really taken stock of how many great books are wordless until they were gathered all together.

After reading these beautifully illustrated and imaginative books, each student chose their favorite and took photos of the pages of their book.  (We learned a valuable lesson when importing the images into the Shadow Puppet App!  It is better to take a photo of each page separately rather than one picture of two open pages at a time. Each side works better in the square format in Shadow Puppet! Also, the camera on the iPad offers an option to take the pictures in a square and this helped the students take pictures that fit into Shadow Puppet. )

Once students were done taking their photos, they used the edit feature in the iPad's Camera Roll to edit any extra unwanted bits around each photo.

Then students opened the Shadow Puppet App and imported the pictures.  Shadow Puppet allows the user to reorder and delete images once they are imported.  This was helpful for students who had a mistake in the order of their photos.  

Once students put their photos in order, they added text and background music.  The last step was narrating their wordless book page by page. It took students time to plan out their narration script, and it was great listening to them tell the story in their own voices! They weren't always able to explain what they were seeing on the page perfectly, but their narrations demonstrated personality and their own interpretation!