
Thursday, March 19, 2015

4th Graders Use Google Sites To Create K-5 Digital Portfolios - It's A Beginning!

For the past few weeks 4th graders have been learning how to create their own Google website! I created a template for them to begin with. Students were able to select the website template and then customize it with their own digital projects. Their websites will be their Elementary Digital Portfolios and will provide them with a place to share for years to come! They are so proud of their ability to create and edit their own websites! Using Google Sites gives us an easy pathway to upload our projects from Google Drive to our websites!

The lessons provided a great opportunity to have conversations about online safety and password security, a conversation that we revisit many times each year. It was also a great opportunity to talk about their digital footprint. We talked about their need to remember that every piece of information they add to their online presence (including social media) is a reflection on their character. They seemed to grasp the significance and contributed to a great discussion!