
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Celebrate Selfies and the PicCollage App with Kindergarten!

Kindergarteners get so excited when they create something on an iPad.  They love it even more when it includes a picture of their own sweet faces!

This week, kindergarteners learned how to take a selfie on an iPad, which is surprisingly hard for most kindergarteners to manage.  They have to switch from the rear camera to the one in front, hold the iPad up, and take their picture while trying to look at the camera not the shutter button. I find they have more success when they can set it up on one of our library tables.  

Next, students opened the PicCollage App, inserted their picture, chose a background and a few stickers!  They were so excited about the results! We are adding their PicCollage to their Google Drive.  When they are in 5th grade they will love to look back on their kindergarten digital work!