
Monday, March 14, 2016

It's March! Time for our annual March Madness Tournament of Books!

In February, my students began to ask me if we would have a March Madness Tournament of Books this year. To be honest, I had lost track of time! I was grateful for the reminder, but mostly I was thrilled that they were asking for it again this year! This week students began by filling out their brackets and voting for the Elite Eight using a Google form.  

To select the original list of sweet sixteen books, I surveyed a few classes for ideas of favorites. Student suggestions just confirmed what I could tell by looking at checkout records in Destiny, our library database. Again this year, I wanted to find books that students were excited about so they would be able to make an educated prediction on their brackets.  

Once students had filled out their brackets, I had them vote on the "Elite 8" to determine the winners of our first round of the tournament.  Everyone is invited to vote so feel free to weigh in if you would like!