
Friday, December 9, 2016

Mrs. Hegg's 1st Grade Videographers Read Imogene's Antlers & Share Their Own Imaginings Using SeeSaw

This week Mrs. Hegg's 1st Grade Class read a classic favorite book by David Small,  Imogene's Antlers. This book is fabulous because, among other things, it gets students thinking creatively about the question - What if? 

For those who haven't read the book, here is a reading of the book.

After reading the book, Mrs. Hegg asked her students to imagine what they would do if they had antlers. They finished the sentence - If I had antlers I would use them...  Once they had written their ideas, they used their class SeeSaw account to record their answer and draw antlers on their photo! The SeeSaw app is fabulous for giving students the opportunity to independently share their voice! After students are done with their work, they submit it to the teacher.  Once Mrs. Hegg approves each submission, they go into the class feed so students can see and "like" each other's submission! It is fabulous to see these six year old students seamlessly fitting this digital app into their classroom with such ease. Way to go Mrs. Hegg & her students!

Here are just a few examples of their writing, drawings and shared video, all completed independently by students!