
Friday, January 26, 2018

5th Graders Practice Creative Writing With Plot & Setting Using Storybird

I recently had the opportunity to share the Storybird app with our 5th grade students. I was reminded how wonderful this web app is for inspiring an supporting student writing.

Our students loved having a huge library of original digital art to select for their stories. This artwork served as the illustrations for their stories but also sparked their creativity. Their stories, once published as a flipbook, could be shared with each other, other classrooms and with their families. Storybird even has a feature that allows students to collaborate on a story. The best part is that students enjoy writing using this app, and nothing beats students having fun while learning! Check out Olivia's story about a scared bunny!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

5th Graders Begin 3D Design With Tinkercad...

In November, we opened up our brand new 3D printer, Makerbot Replicator+, and began the process of learning how to print. The process of learning how to print was centered around learning to design in the web app Tinkercad, and learning how to manage the print jobs in the Makerbot print application. I really needed to be a students myself before becoming a teacher. I used trial and error to discover the ins and outs of the process.  I had quite a few failed print jobs, but slowly I began to have some success. 

Once I figured it out, I then began to put on my teacher hat and try to discover the best way to roll out this complicated task for our 5th graders. It was clear that work flow was going to be a big deal. Finally, yesterday I introduced Tinkercad to the first of four 5th grade classes.  I introduced the Tinkercad work plane and tools. We discussed the importance of renaming their projects clearly so I would be able to managing all of the 3D print jobs once they sent them to me.

After the introduction, I asked students to go through a few introductory lessons in Tinkercad so they could learn how to use the design features.

Now students will spend the next few sessions designing. Stay tuned for the final projects!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Cubelets - Robots For Learning!

In a continuing effort to provide opportunities for our OHE students to become makers, this week students began to explore new tools in our makerspace. I began with a small group, with the intent of introducing them to classrooms in the coming weeks.  Cubelets are modular robots that can be constructed and reconstructed for different purposes. They connect with magnets making it easy assemble and change. Our first session with Cubelets was simple exploration. Students tried a variety of different configurations to discover how their robots would change. The cubelet robot cubes are divided into three categories - sense, think and act blocks. It took our students no time at all to get the hang of Cubelets, and their invention cycle, create, remix, play, share, was hoppin' fast!

With our Cubelets, I also purchased bluetooth Cubelets. So in future we will be able to combine these robots with coding! I can't wait to see what our students invent when combining these robots with coding! 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018