
Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Peek At Some Of Our School's Fall Fun!

Somehow along the way, I became our school's photographer and videographer. In truth, it is an unofficial title I have given myself, but it does feel like I am the keeper of our precious OHE memories. I evolved into this role, but when I think back, it definitely grew in 2017 when I became responsible for our OHE daily announcement video that students record using a green screen and the Touchcast app.  (To read more about our Touchcast announcements, check out my blog post Daily Announcements At OHE - Figuring It Out!)

Then and now, each time we have an OHE event, I create a celebration video to embed in the announcements. Even though it wasn't my original intent, these videos have become a video timeline for OHE. I am happy to create these for our school as they share a few of the things that makes our school so special. Here are a few from September and October.