
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

World Read Aloud Day 2014 At Oak Hills Elementary!

Today was World Read Aloud Day 2014!  You may ask, what is World Read Aloud Day?  I thought Ron Charles did a great job of summing it up in this morning's Washington Post article entitled, "Why World Read Aloud Day Is My Favorite Holiday".  
To raise awareness of the educational challenges that many children face, a non-profit organization called LitWorld has designated the first Wednesday of every March “World Read Aloud Day.”It’s hard to imagine a more delightful holiday: “to celebrate the power of words and create a community of readers taking action to show the world that the right to literacy belongs to all people.”   

Read aloud is not an unusual event at Oak Hills Elementary.  In fact, World Read Aloud Day is just like every other day at our school.  Our students are blessed to have teachers (and parents!!) who read aloud to them almost everyday! So today was a perfect opportunity to celebrate the wonderful reading that is happening all over our building, and to recognize that it is not that way in many places in the world! 

I created a poster to mention just a few titles that students heard today. There were many more titles that aren't mentioned here!