
Friday, January 8, 2016

1st Graders Share Their New Year's Resolutions With Help From Dragon Dictation & Pic Collage!

A new year gives all of us an opportunity to begin fresh, and 1st graders had fun thinking of resolutions to change something for their new year. I knew that my 1st graders would need lots of help with spelling if they were going to successfully write a New Year's Resolution Poster. I decided it would be a great time to share the Dragon Dictation app with them!  Dragon Dictation is a voice to text app that gives students the freedom to share their thoughts without the limitations of their spelling skills. 

Students learned how to edit the text with the pop up keyboard, so if the app wasn't perfect at catching their every word, they could change little bits of it. 

Next students learned how to copy and paste their text from the Dragon Dictation app into Pic Collage, our "go to" poster creation app.  Students are familiar with this app, though it was new for them to paste text into a text box.  Once the text was in, they were easily able to add a background and a few stickers.  Students shared their final resolution posters with each other and saved them into their Google Drive for safe keeping!