
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Students Share Their Learning & Their Voice With The iMovie App!

I always LOVE finding new digital tools. Finding a new tool is like finding a shiny new pebble on the beach. These gems keep us, students and educators alike, energized with new ways of creating, collaborating and sharing our learning! They're fun! Recently, however, I was reminded that even with the constant pursuit for new and better digital tools, an old favorite (5 years :) has never stopped shining. The iMovie app gives students the opportunity to share their voice and their learning with an intuitive interface and polished final product. (I only wish Apple would update the background music options!! PLEASE! 😏 )

1st Grade Mealworm Life Cycle

Our first graders just completed several projects using iMovie. In Mrs. Johnson's class, students took pictures to document their mealworm over a period of days as it transitioned from a larvae to a beetle. They studied their mealworms and learned about it's life cycle. Once their mealworm transitioned through it's phases, they created iMovies to share what they had learned! They learned how to create their iMovies by adding their mealworm photos, background music, text and voice recordings. Students uploaded their iMovies to SeeSaw so their parents could see their learning!

1st Grade "Me On The Map" iMovies

1st graders also used iMovie to share their "Me On The Map" projects. Students shared their house, city, state, country, continent and world using pictures of maps!

Mrs. Khanhkeo shared her student's iMovies with families using a Padlet!

Fifth Grade Famous Hero Projects

Like our first graders, fifth graders used iMovie to demonstrate and share their learning in greater depth. The project goal was the share their learning about their choice of famous American.

Following their research, students created their iMovie by adding images, text, music, and voice recordings about their famous person. They learned about pacing, how to rearrange images and match their voice recordings to the images by editing the length of each image. They learned how to edit the display of each image using the "Ken Burns Effect". They personalized their iMovies with interesting facts that would keep their audience interested! Their final movies were uploaded to Google Drive, shared with their teacher and viewed by the entire class.